- Jul 31, 2020
Eat Lunch in Style
The UROKI cooler bag is made from bamboo and fabric which gives the bag an exclusive look while still being elegant.
- Jul 13, 2020
品牌系列中的竹製桌上型收納盒,可以用來收納文具、紙張...等,使雜亂無章的桌面變得井然有序, 精緻的圓角設計,竹紋樸質的溫潤質感,搭配優雅灰調的布面上蓋,兼具美觀與實用性。 ODDI可堆疊桌上收納盒有兩個尺寸,分別提供文件和文具的收納。...
- Jul 13, 2020
- Jul 4, 2020
Flip – Flip – Flip Bookends!
A bookend is an ideal piece of décor to arrange your shelf. Simply a “flip” structure, Gudee turns a flat piece into a sturdy bookend. It...